The Sultan brings the 90s back to life with his release, “Not Going Home.” This classic pop song is an anthem for those who want to celebrate a great evening, even after the party has officially ended. The gentle electric vibes and catchy lyrics are perfect for good vibes, a little flirt, or as a chill accompaniment for the journey home.
The lyrics of “Not Going Home” capture the feeling of never wanting the party to end, of never wanting to go home. The song is a celebration of the spirit of adventure and living in the moment, urging listeners to embrace the moment and make the most of every experience. Whether you’re a seasoned partygoer or just looking for a fun, upbeat soundtrack for your life, “Not Going Home” is the perfect choice.
With its elaborate studio setting and cool choreography, complete with classic 90s dance moves, the music video for “Not Going Home” is a true feast for the eyes. So get ready to dance the night away, because with “Not Going Home,” the party has just begun!”
The music video for “Not Going Home” was shot in one day and the Sultan of Pop and his dance partner show their love for dancing in every second. The freestyle was perfect, allowing the team to play with different lighting settings and angles to capture the dancers’ moves.
The use of elaborate event technology highlights the dance moves and his message: Don’t make me leave yet, let’s just stay on the dancefloor and enjoy the moment, because “I’m not going home!”.
Cube Media GmbH
The Sultan ©是一位创新的艺术家,将中东文化与西方影响相融合,并撼动了娱乐业。苏丹以其畅销的曲调和病毒式的喜剧,为主流社会带来了一个全新的视角。让自己沉浸在The Sultan的魔力中,他捕捉到了中东文化的活力和美丽。 加入我们的旅程,通过我们的音乐和视频传播快乐和积极性,并探索文化融合的无限可能性。浏览我们的网站,了解更多关于The Sultan、我们的最新作品和即将举行的活动。感谢你成为 "苏丹 "社区的一部分,在这里一切皆有可能